Friday, December 5, 2008

Finally... Birthday Party Pictures.

Here they are, in no particular order - pictures from Drake's Birthday Party at Grandma Cheri and Papa Tim's house:

Since it was a "Ninja Party" Grandma found a real live Ninja to come join the fun. However, I think the violent video games and television are getting to my son, because he just wanted to fight.

Atleast he was a good sport afterwords and took a picture with his cousins and Mr. Ninja.

Then we had cake.

Being the responsible parents we are, we decided to let him cut the cake himself. Actually, I do believe it was Grandma Cheri that handed him the knife. You'll notice she's nowhere to be seen in the picture. Smart move Grandma. Give the 6 year old a knife and run away.

Speaking of smart things, Mona and I got the boy his first BB gun for his birthday. Hopefully we can go out and shoot it this weekend if it warms up. No, I will not promise to take pictures and/or update the blog about it.

Edit: Missed this one in uploading pictures. Aunt Anna and Uncle Jared sent Drake the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" in the mail today. He loves it, thanks Aunt Anna and Uncle Jared!!