Friday, December 5, 2008

Finally... Birthday Party Pictures.

Here they are, in no particular order - pictures from Drake's Birthday Party at Grandma Cheri and Papa Tim's house:

Since it was a "Ninja Party" Grandma found a real live Ninja to come join the fun. However, I think the violent video games and television are getting to my son, because he just wanted to fight.

Atleast he was a good sport afterwords and took a picture with his cousins and Mr. Ninja.

Then we had cake.

Being the responsible parents we are, we decided to let him cut the cake himself. Actually, I do believe it was Grandma Cheri that handed him the knife. You'll notice she's nowhere to be seen in the picture. Smart move Grandma. Give the 6 year old a knife and run away.

Speaking of smart things, Mona and I got the boy his first BB gun for his birthday. Hopefully we can go out and shoot it this weekend if it warms up. No, I will not promise to take pictures and/or update the blog about it.

Edit: Missed this one in uploading pictures. Aunt Anna and Uncle Jared sent Drake the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" in the mail today. He loves it, thanks Aunt Anna and Uncle Jared!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First time by himself.

Drake and I went out to my sister's Saturday the 29th to pop off a few rounds.

The first magazine (9 rounds) I helped him, the second 2 magazines he wanted to do it by himself.

He hit 2 cans out of the 18 rounds. I say not bad for his first time taking his time to aim. Kind of made me cry a bit.

This is the only picture since I didn't want to be too far away from him long enough to snap any more. Safety first.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gun safety.

Ok, last one, I promise.

Here's Drake getting ready to go shoot guns with eye and ear-pro on.

He's safe like that.

Mona's stupid hair.

Oh yeah, here's a picture of Mona.

Her hair is long now.

It will be removed in her sleep in the near future.

Missing tooth...

As most of you already know, Drake lost his first tooth, but for those of you who haven't seen yet, here's a picture:

Ok, there's our post with a picture.

See you in January.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I'm posting this blog post to my blog to remind myself that I need to post a new blog post on my blog.

Or did I?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Water Park Thing....

Travis and I took the kids (Kayla and Drake) to the little water thing at Osage Park...

Here's some pictures:

After he was done with the water, Drake decided to do some break dancing.....